Screening procedure for colorless CVD- diamonds
Colorless or near colorless (D-J) CVD-diamonds to can be classified as type IIa, containing no significant amount of aggregated nitrogen defects. There has been indications this may change in the future when CVD- processes develop towards adding nitrogen in the reaction chamber on purpose (for speeding up the growth) and subsequent HPHT- treatment which has tendency to aggregate portion of the nitrogen atoms in the form of A or even B- defects. However, the following screening procedure works for all the colorless to near colorless CVD-diamonds manufactured to date.
1.) Raman screening of diamond and it's simulants First crucial step of the screening procedure is to make sure all the stones under the study are actually diamonds. This can be achieved with a Fast Diamond Screening- feature built inside all the GemmoRaman-532™ -series spectrometers. It will separate colorless to near colorless diamond from all of it's simulants based on diamond's unique Raman fingerprint - there is absolutely no room for mistakes! This tool has been designed to be as fast as possible, typical test time being a fraction of a second. The tool is especially efficient when working with large parcel of stones. Basically, testing time is limited to operator's skills in handling diamonds with gem tweezers. | | |